A community for grilling lovers around the globe who have virtually come together during one of the traumatic years of our life, 2020! 


How FoTG was Formed

We started Fellowship Of The Grill spring of 2020 after the Covid-19 pandemic was declared as a way to cope from all the tragedy and isolation forced upon us.  

Bored from said isolation sitting at home, unable to venture out to enjoy the local Portland food and beverage scene, division and sheer unrest encouraged Mychal Parker to start a Facebook group to shift his focus from not only the anxious media we were all fed, but the unjust of what was happening in Portland, Oregon where FoTG is based out of.

After realizing the quick traction and demand it was gaining, he linked up with fellow friend, creative agency entrepreneur, and Portland local Sami Marquez Sattva to partner up on FoTG to assist in all branding and marketing efforts to genuinely make something of this. Her education in Business and Marketing plus experience relating with Food, Beverage, Hospitality and Entertainment industries for 23 years made her a no-brainer partnership.

Mychal wanted to learn from others, grow, gain knowledge about grilling, and simply enjoy other food enthusiasts’ content they were creatively coming up with while too stuck at home. 

He thought maybe 25 of his family and friends would join the group, maybe have some of them just invite a few others, but here we are just a handful of months later — an Instagram of ~5.5k followers, more than 3.5k active members in our FB group, 10+ ambassadors, a multitude of like-minded consumer products reaching out to collaborate, and growing like a wildfire.

We could not be more grateful. FoTG has not only become a place to build relationships, but to inspire others to try new things with food from a place that is non-judgmental. And hell, get hungry in the process!


It's what made us. It's what we thrive off of. Check out the amazing grill enthusiast's on our Instagram!

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Designed and Developed by The Daydream Agency
Photo Credits to the FoTG community. © 2024 All rights reserved.

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